Suzuka Grandee Vitara
The general information
Maintenance service and greasing
Heater, ventilation and the conditioner
Suspension bracket
Wheels and tyres
Forward приводной a shaft shaft/bearing. An oil epiploon
Kardannye shaft
Brake system
- Engines
    Mechanical part of engine G16
   - Mechanical part of engine J20
       The general description
       Routine maintenance
      - Assembly armature of the engine
         Major repairs
         Bearings коленвала, коленвал and the block of cylinders
      The special tool
      Necessary service materials
      Technical characteristics of the rotating moment of an inhaling
    Engine cooling
Fuel system
Ignition system
Start system
Release system
Forward and back differentials
Windows, mirrors, locks and security measures. An immobilizer
Electric equipment

Major repairs

The engine in gathering



    Dump pressure of fuel in топливопроводе. Disconnect a negative cable from the accumulator. Uncover the engine.
    Remove the panel of fastening of the top support of a rack.
    Merge antifreeze.
    Remove a radiator, a casing of the fan of a radiator and cooling fan, having addressed to Sections the Radiator and the Cooling fan and муфта the fan in the Head engine Cooling. Remove a final hose of the air filter.
    Disconnect following electric wire conclusions:
        Socket of a plait of wires of an injector Socket of the gauge of position of a cam-shaft Муфты ignition coils Socket of the gauge of position throttle заслонок Socket of the gauge of the mass expense of air Socket of the gauge of temperature of air on an admission Муфта the regulating pneumovalve of idling Wire of grounding from an inlet collector Socket of the gauge of absolute pressure in an inlet collector Socket of the valve of system рециркуляции the fulfilled gases Wire of the gauge of heating of oxygen – 1 and-or-2 Socket of the gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid of the engine Generator wires Starter wires Wire of the relay of pressure of oil Wire of the relay of pressure of system of a steering Clip of a plait of wires The gauge of pressure of differential of a collector The position gauge коленвала The gauge of absolute pressure in an inlet collector
    Remove a starter. Disconnect a rope of an accelerator and a cable of a drive throttle заслонок А/Т (for vehicles А/Т) from the case throttle заслонок.
    Disconnect following hoses:
        Hose of giving of fuel and returnable hose from each pipe Hoses of a heater from a heater core Vacuum hose from an inlet collector Hose of a highway of a high pressure of brake system
    Disconnect the filter of the monitoring system of allocation of steams of fuel from the vehicle case.
    Without disconnecting hoses, disconnect the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering and compressor A/S from the cylinder block if that is available.
    Lift a vehicle. Merge engine oil if it is necessary. Remove картер forward differential with differential from the chassis, having addressed to Section Removal in the Head Forward and back differentials.
    Untwist a bolt of an exhaust pipe №1 or an exhaust pipe №1 (1).
    Release hoses of liquid А/Т from clips (for vehicles with А/Т).
    Remove an element of rigidity (1) on the right side of transmission (if that is available).
    Remove the bottom plate картера coupling.
    Remove hydrotransformer bolts (for vehicles А/Т). The special tool (): 09927-56010.
    Lower a vehicle. Prop up transmission.

For models А/Т, do not put a jack under маслосборником А/Т to prop up transmission.

    Remove a bolt and nuts, крепящие the block of cylinders and transmission.
    Establish the elevating device. Untwist nuts of an arm of lateral fastening of the engine from engine fastening. Before to lift the engine, be convinced that all hoses, wires and cables are disconnected from the engine.
    A little bit having raised, remove knot of the engine from the chassis and transmission, sliding to the forward party, and then accurately lift engine knot.



    Repeat dismantle procedure upside-down for the purpose of installation, without forgetting the following. Lower engine knot in an engine compartment. Connect the engine to transmission and arms of lateral fastening of the engine with engine fastening.
    Fasten nuts, крепящие lateral arms of the engine and engine fastening. The rotating moment of an inhaling: a nut of a lateral arm of fastening of the engine () — 55 Н•м (5.5 kg th, 40.0 pound on foot).
    Twirl a bolt and nuts, крепящие the block of cylinders and transmission with the specified rotating moment. The rotating moment of an inhaling: a bolt and nuts of fastening of transmission to the block of cylinders () — 85 Н•м (8.5 kg th, 61.5 pound on foot).
    Clean the elevating device.
    Twirl bolts of the hydrotransformer with specified rotating to the moment (for vehicles А/Т). The rotating moment of an inhaling: a hydrotransformer bolt () — 65 Н•м (6.5 kg th, 47.0 pounds on foot).
    Fasten bolts of an element of rigidity of transmission with the specified rotating moment if that is available. The rotating moment of an inhaling: a bolt of an element of rigidity of transmission () — 50 Н•м (5.0 kg th, 36.5 pound on foot).
1 — an element of rigidity of transmission on the right side
    Twirl bolts or nuts of exhaust pipes №1 (1) with the specified rotating moment. The rotating moment of an inhaling: a nut or a bolt of an exhaust pipe №1 () — 50 Н•м (5.0 kg th, 36.5 pound on foot).
    Establish картер forward differential with differential to the chassis, having addressed to Section Installation in the Head Forward and back differentials. Repeat dismantle procedure upside-down for the purpose of connection of hoses, cables and electric wires. Adjust a tension of a belt of a drive of the cooling fan, having addressed to Section Regulation and check of a tension of a belt of the cooling fan in the Head engine Cooling. Adjust люфт a rope of an accelerator and люфт a cable of a drive throttle заслонок А/Т (for models А/Т). Check up, whether all removed parts are put into place. Repeatedly establish any necessary parts which have not been earlier established. Fill the engine with engine oil, having addressed to Section Engine oil and the filter in the Head Maintenance service and greasing. Fill cooling system, having addressed to Section Washing and filling of system of cooling in the Head engine Cooling. Be convinced of that all fastenings and clips are fastened. On termination of installation check up, whether there is no leak of fuel, antifreeze or exhaust gas on each connection.